Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Destiny ..................
For majority of people, life is a play or i can say every thing is per-defined they think or even sometimes we ourself consider "it is over destiny so that we get" but still some people are there who belief that we have the power to change our destiny, but but we never do it.
In todays world, "it is easy to accept than to change" , what ever it may be weather a whole system or a single person.
Never satisfied with your self always ask for more, if you are satisfied then  mantra of live is over.....

Monday, September 7, 2009

How you walk.....

How you walk is not much matter than on what you walk, this can be directly apply on life. How you live is depend on what are you facing, single step is new experience grabbed it.Never ever feel alone, ahead or on a wrong way, there is always some who guide you and also some one whom you have to guide.....